Want a Manual Handling Certificate?
Manual Handling Training - every week - Tralee - Listowel - Kerry
Safe Pass training can be delivered via class room method or via blended learning method.
Typical contents include -
- Manual Handling legislation (law).
- Basic functions of the spine and type of workplace injuries
- Typical examples of unsafe lifting (high/medium risk) and how to correct same
- Practical examples of safer (low risk) lifting methods.
- The use of the MAC tool
- Various types of lifts and the reasons to avoid placing the person at risk
- Manual Handling courses run weekly in Kerry - Lifting.
- You can also get a manual handling cert via blended learning.(combination of online and practical)
- Class room courses also available.
- Online courses (e-learning) available for the construction industry
Manual handling is a hazard and includes lifting, carrying, pulling, pushing, holding and lowering loads. Manual handling training courses helps reduce risk because it trains and helps workers who carry out such manual tasks to do so as safe as possible. This training provided awareness in determining which tasks need to be avoided or reduced as well as how the work place layout can be better organized to reduce the possibility of work place injuries occurring. A risk assessment must be carried out before carrying out a manual handling task.
This training course like all other health and safety training courses increase work place safety. Most work places often have many physical activities going on and while some of these tasks are harmless, other tasks are potentially dangerous. The latter tasks can cause serious injuries and even death. If an employee is absent from work due to injuries, a business will lose money because work that could have been done by that employee has to be carried out by someone else.
Manual handling is a hazard and includes lifting, carrying, pulling, pushing, holding and lowering loads. Manual handling training courses helps reduce risk because it trains and helps workers who carry out such manual tasks to do so as safe as possible. This training provided awareness in determining which tasks need to be avoided or reduced as well as how the work place layout can be better organized to reduce the possibility of work place injuries occurring. A risk assessment must be carried out before carrying out a manual handling task.
This training course like all other health and safety training courses increase work place safety. Most work places often have many physical activities going on and while some of these tasks are harmless, other tasks are potentially dangerous. The latter tasks can cause serious injuries and even death. If an employee is absent from work due to injuries, a business will lose money because work that could have been done by that employee has to be carried out by someone else.
Courses run in Killarney, Co Kerry which is an ideal location for those living in Duagh, Abbeyfeale, Tralee, Listowel, Dingle and other parts of Kerry, Limerick and Cork including Mallow, Macroom and Millstreet
Solas safe Pass courses are delivered every week in Killarney, Co Kerry, which is close to Listowel and Tralee.
Manual handling (lifting) training courses in Kerry provided by Seamus O'Sullivan who is a FETAC certified manual handling instructor
Why does manual handling result in a risk of injury or ill health?
According the H.S.A. website, many of the issues that cause back pain are the direct result of injury and damage to a spinal disc. Bending over results in pressure on the discs, and may also cause a disc to bulge backward towards the spine. Twisting and bending together put the greatest stress on the spine, especially on the discs, and are examples of work conditions that increase the risk of back injury.